Monday, February 8, 2010

Mumbai is for all

A hot debate is going in Mumbai for past one week."Mumbai kiske baap ki hai?". People do not realize that they are a part of independent country. As a citizen of independent country, they have right to stay anywhere in country irrespective of their religion and language.

There are certain political parties in Maharastra who are trying to gain political advantage by encouraging "Jaati Vaad".They do not realize that they are losing public's faith and trust day by day. Shiv sena's vote share has come down from 19.97% in 2004 to 16% in 2009.This is a clear evidence that even Marathi manoos is not liking Shiv Sena's strategy.Shiv sena won 11 seats in 1999, nine in 2004 and only four in 2009. This shows that their strategy of influencing Marathi Manoos is not working.

Mumbai kiske baap ki jagir nahi hai. Every citizen of India has right to live in Mumbai. I think this is a time to unite and ensure that such parties do not win elections. I, for sure, will not give vote to political party which promotes Jaati Vaad. Do you also think the same?